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The Future Is Here....We Must Meet The Challenge

Through our "PRENEURology Methodology", we offer a disruptive, experiential and evidence-based approach to for preparing humans for the Future of Work and beyond.






                              A STATEMENT FROM THE WORLD BANK:


Scientific and technological advances are transforming lives: they are even helping poorer countries close the gap with rich countries in life expectancy. But, poorer countries still face tremendous challenges, as almost a quarter of children under five are malnourished, and 60 percent of primary school students are failing to achieve even a rudimentary education. In fact, more than 260 million children and youth in poorer countries are receiving no education at all.

There is a moral case to be made, of course, for investing in the health and education of all people.  But there is an economic one as well: to be ready to compete and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. "Human capital" – the potential of individuals – is going to be the most important long-term investment any country can make for its people’s future prosperity and quality of life.


Governments have long invested in economic growth by focusing on physical capital — roads, bridges, airports, and other infrastructure. But they have often under-invested in their people, in part because the benefits have been much slower and harder to measure. Hence, as World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim noted recently in Foreign Affairs, the world today faces a "human capital gap." In many countries, the workforce is unprepared for the future that is fast unfolding.


This is a key insight from the World Bank’s forthcoming World Development Report 2019: The Changing Nature of Work. The frontier for skills is moving faster than ever before. Countries need to gear up now to prepare their workforces for the tremendous challenges and opportunities that are being driven by technological change.


But without an urgent and concerted global effort to build human capital, vast numbers of people and entire countries are in danger of being excluded from future prosperity. Governments have a critical role to play in transforming human capital, because poverty, inequality, and other disadvantages hinder many families from investing in their children’s health and education.




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